Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 2

Today was a great day! I found a great bargain on a carpet shampooer (much needed in a house w/ 2 cats, a large dog, a 1 (well almost) year old and a 2 year old), $55 !!! I went hog wild and shampooed all my carpeted surfaces, minus my bedroom, which is a project for another day. I accomplished several loads of wash, mopped all my hard surface floors and I also did 2 loads of dishes (Thank God for dish washers).
Liam had a relatively good day (minus the whole digging in his diaper nonsense). He talked on the phone with his Papa (my dad) and was very good in WalMart and Big Lots. He also ate almost all 3 of his meals and managed to nap for 2 hours! He went off to bed with no trouble.

Freedom had a very good day, he was well behaved, ate everything I put in front of him, managed not to make too much of mess of himself. He also is continuing pulling himself to standing on everything in sight- furniture, toys, the dog. Bed was a bit more of a battle with him as he fussed for 10 minutes after laying him down.

The funny note of the day: Liam, Freedom and I were sitting on the love seat, watching the Ravens/ Steelers game and the boys started wrestling and believe it or not Freedom won! They were tickling each other and acting wild, but Liam quit and asked me to bail him out and take his little brother, whom he affectionately calls "mama", to clarify, Liam calls Freedom "mama" and me "Mommy", off of him because "he's hurting me". All in all it was a great productive day!

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